We Help You Celebrate, Honor or Remember a Special Event
Since 1993 we have helped thousands of individuals, families and businesses create custom event videos to highlight a business event, a wedding or anniversary or a memorial for a loved one. Remembering a major journey or vacation with video and photos. We have helped film and edit website videos, training and marketing videos, commercials and much more.

Starting at $99

You provide the photos, videos, music ideas and we work with you to create a memorable video that will be cherished for decades to come.
Contact us for a free phone or in person consultation.
The Video Editor YouTube Channel has examples of event videos.
Wedding Videos
Childhood Video Collages
Memorial Video
Anniversary Video
Special Events
Business Videos
Web Videos
Short History
What’s a unique way to remember someone special? To document a memorable trip? Or to highlight an organization’s history? An event video is a fabulous way to celebrate an organization, event, or to remember a loved one.
These event videos include music, titles, photos, and video clips that celebrate the person, place, or thing.
An event video is customized to the person or company. Special historical photos, video clips, letters, and achievements become a part of this video.
Most videos begin with a title screen announcing the purpose of the video. Favorite music or songs depicting the time era set the mood.
Photos and video clips are interspersed throughout the video telling a story. Pacing and tempo are important to keep an audience engaged. A variety of faster and slower songs will help keep the flow moving.
When you are considering photos to use in the show it’s always best to use photos with 1-2 people in them. The audience can see the individuals better than the ones containing a group shot of 10-20 people. When considering similar-looking photos determine which has the subject(s) with a better smile or expression. Consider the framing and composition of the photo and the overall lighting, to determine the better photo. Another important element to remember is to have an equal number of photos of each family member or group. People will criticize that there weren’t enough photos of them or their family but if you have an equal balance they can’t complain too much.
When creating a video memorializing a major trip for instance it is important to tell the story of the trip. Think big picture or a major overview. Don’t become so bogged down with that wasn’t the exact time you saw this or that. Think if I want to show this video to someone who was not on the trip what are the important things to remember and to show. If you forgot to take a video or photo at some point, can you show a map, memorabilia, or a title page to cover that point?
Music in a travel video might include music that is found in that country.
Travel Video
We helped a client to document a 10 + day hike across Northern Spain. A pilgrimage called El Camino De Santa Santiago. We started the video with a map depicting the proposed trek. We added titles to the video telling where they were each day calling out special markers. This was a group of 5-6 people so editing in a balance of each was as important as telling the story of that day. We used music from Spain to paint the flavor of the country. With all the videos and photos and memorabilia, this video ran 21 minutes in length. Could it have been longer? Yes, and it could have been shorter too. Twenty-one minutes felt right without going too deep into the details.
Student-Athlete Video
Creating a student-athlete video is a challenge. Colleges and coaches view these demo videos but they want a certain format to watch. It must be short and to the point. Most videos start with a title page including the student’s photo and stats. Then start with the very best footage of the athlete scoring, cutting, passing, etc. The Video Editor Newport Beach can add arrows or highlight the screen pointing out the athlete from the other players. Some coaches like maybe 45 seconds of a variety of plays showing the best moves from the student. Then perhaps a 1–2-minute video showing actual game time. From this, they will see where that player is positioned and reacts as the game unfolds. Once a video is edited, it can be uploaded to several recruiting websites for coaches to view.
Business Videos
Business videos can run the range from historical anniversary videos to sales and training videos and more. It is best to contact us so we can strategize the best approach to fit the situation.
Reunion Videos
This genre can be designed in many different ways. A highlight video from last year to a highlight video from many years. Adding titles announcing the different years and locations is necessary as well as highlighting family members. If this is many old historical reunions to show that younger family members might not recognize it might be appropriate for someone to narrate what is taking place and who the people are.
Birthday Videos
Photos and music with titles are acceptable. Sometimes if guests can’t attend the celebration in person they can send in prerecorded video or audio. These clips can be edited into the final video with faces and voices from their past.
Any Event
For consultation on the phone or in person, call us. In our 30 years in business, we have produced many types of event videos. Tell us about your ideas and we’ll make them a reality.
Once complete we can upload it to a cloud-based storage system (Google Drive) or transfer it to a USB and or DVD.
If our staff can answer any questions for you, please call to get answers or an estimate.